
Plodthelastsandsoflife,—wherenotaflowerappears.Page17.CantoIII,.PILGRIMAGE.IV.Sincemyyoungdaysofpassion.—joy,orpain.Perchancemy ...,Welcometotheirroar!Swiftbetheirguidance,wheresoe'eritlead!Thoughthestrain'dmastshouldquiverasareed,Andtherentcanvasflutteringstrewthe ...,2023年6月28日—InthisstanzaLordByronusesapoliticalmetaphortoillustratethatHarold'sdisconnectfromhisfellowmanresultsinabattlefor...

Childe Harold's pilgrimage. Canto the third

Plod the last sands of life,—where not a flower appears. Page 17. Canto III,. PILGRIMAGE. IV. Since my young days of passion. — joy, or pain. Perchance my ...

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage -

Welcome to their roar! Swift be their guidance, wheresoe'er it lead! Though the strain'd mast should quiver as a reed, And the rent canvas fluttering strew the ...

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto III, Lines 100

2023年6月28日 — In this stanza Lord Byron uses a political metaphor to illustrate that Harold's disconnect from his fellow man results in a battle for his ...

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto III

Childe Harold III is not a patriotic poem in the conventional sense. On June 18th 1815, less than a year before Byron started it, at Waterloo, a village to the ...

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto III [excerpt]

When the whole host of hatred stood hard by, To watch and mock thee shrinking, thou hast smiled With a sedate and all-enduring eye;— When Fortune fled her spoil ...

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage Canto 3 Summary

2021年1月8日 — Childe Harold misses his daughter Ada. He is sailing in a ship again and ready to go wherever they lead. He has thought about the past and the ...

Lord Byron's Poems Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto III ...

2024年2月9日 — Byron takes up several themes in Canto III. The first is the sense of isolation, brought to the fore by his apostrophe to his daughter Ada.

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto the Third

(1771–1815), brother of Caroline, Princess of Wales, and nephew of George III, was killed at the battle of Quatre Bras, the first engagement of the Waterloo ...